The C.P.C.A. announced that they have expanded the Association to include all “Peace Officers” to join their curling fraternity.
A motion was passed in April 2012, at the National Annual General Meeting, that opens the competitive side to all “Peace Officers”. The criteria for eligibility under the “Peace Officer” designation is as follows:
“That any full time Peace Officer be permitted to participate in any C.P.C.A. sanctioned event, specifically Provincial and Canadian curling championships and be allowed to enter and compete using a team consisting solely of full time Peace Officers. This may include but is not restricted to full time Canadian Border Services, Customs Officers, Correctional Officers, Conservation Officers and Fisheries Officers on a two year trial basis.”
They are members in good standing within the Provincial or Territorial Association in which they reside.
This includes Retired Peace Officers with a minimum of 15 years service in the employ of their agency.
Players may only use one brush for sweeping and may not change brush pads during a game.
Brush fabric must have a woven appearance (i.e. not textured/embossed/hair). Hair brushes are forbidden from use while sweeping, however may be used by the player delivering the stone.
Brush heads must not have a “stiffening” insert.
Brushes allowable include WCF approved pads, Asham TX, Balance Plus EQ/older models, Goldline Norway, Hardline IcePad (fabric inverted, no insert), Performance older models, etc.
Please speak to a member of the Executive or Event Chair, if you have questions.
12. Free Guard Zone (FGZ), Five Rock Rule
(1) The FGZ is the area between the hog line and the tee line, excluding the house.
(a) A stone which comes to rest biting or in front of the hog line after making contact with a stone in the FGZ is considered to be in the FGZ.
(b) A stone that comes to rest outside the house but biting the tee line is not considered to be in the FGZ.
(a) Any stationary stone(s) belonging to the opposition located in the FGZ shall not be removed from play by the delivering team prior to the delivery of the sixth stone of the end.
(b) When an opposition’s stone(s) is removed from play from the FGZ prior to the sixth stone of the end, directly or indirectly and without exception, the delivered stone must be removed from play and any other displaced stones replaced as close as possible to their original position(s).
(c) Any stone previously in the FGZ, whose location is now not in the FGZ – as per rule 12(1)(a) or (b) – may be removed at any time without penalty.
(d) A delivered third, fourth or fifth stone of an end may hit an opposition stone(s) located in the FGZ on to a stone(s) not in the FGZ providing that any opposition stone originally located in the FGZ remains in play. If an opposition’s stone(s) is removed from play, apply Rule 12(2)(b).
(e) A team may remove their own stone from the FGZ providing its removal does not cause an opposition stone to be removed from play from the FGZ. If an opposition’s stone(s) is removed from play, apply Rule 12(2)(b).
(f) A team may raise their stone located in the FGZ on to an opposition stone located in the house (not in the FGZ) and remove it from play. If an opposition’s stone(s) in the FGZ is removed from play during the execution of the raise, then apply Rule 12(2)(b).
(3) After the delivery of each of the first four stones of an end, it is the responsibility of the skip of the team who is about to deliver to ensure agreement with the opposing skip as to whether or not any of the stone(s) in play have come to rest in the FGZ. If they cannot agree, they shall make the determination by using the six-foot measuring stick. If the position of another stone(s) hinders the use of the six-foot measure, they may reposition the stone(s), complete the measurement and replace the stone(s) to its original position.
(4) A visual agreement by the opposing skips as to whether or not one of the first four stones of the end was in the FGZ, does not preclude a measurement occurring at the conclusion of the end involving the same stone(s).